Class FieldExpressionHandler

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class FieldExpressionHandler
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements java.util.function.Function<FieldExpression,​FieldExpression>
    Use Function invocations instead.
    FieldExpressionHandler is used for traversing and transforming field expressions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FieldExpressionHandler

        public FieldExpressionHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • handleFieldExpression

        public abstract FieldExpression handleFieldExpression​(FieldExpression field)
        Method called for every FieldExpression encountered while traversing a top level FieldExpression.

        To delete the encountered FieldExpression from the tree, return null from this method.

        To replace the encountered FieldExpression with a new value, return a new FieldExpression.

        NOTE: if field has child nodes, this method will be called after the child nodes have been traversed.

        CAUTION: any caller of this method must ensure that field is not null.

        field - The FieldExpression currently being traversed.
        the FieldExpression to replace field in the tree. Return null to delete this FieldExpression.