Package com.attivio.sdk.server.component

Interfaces necessary to write components for the AIE system. The interfaces are broken down into different functions for ingest, query and response transformers as well as services and general message handling stages.

The main interfaces are listed in the following tables.

Ingestion / Document transformers

Only one of the ingest transformer interfaces should be implemented by each customer class. A configuration error will be throw if more than one is implemented.
Interface Description
DocumentModifyingTransformer Interface for transformers that modify any/all aspects of the IngestDocument
FieldValueCreatingTransformer Interface for transformers that create a new IngestFieldValue based on the value of another field
FieldValueModifyingTransformer Interface for transformers that modify an existing IngestFieldValue
MultiOutputDocumentTransformer Interface for transformers that will output multiple documents or other IndexMessages for each incoming IngestDocument

Query and Response transformers

Interface Description
QueryTransformer Interface for transformers that modify a QueryRequest before the search gets executed
ResponseTransformer Interface for transformers that modify a QueryResponse after a query has been executed

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