Package com.attivio.client
Contains the Client Attivio API for adding content, submitting queries, and sending general
purpose messages to an Attivio server.
Adding content
Adding content is all managed through the com.attivio.client.AttivioDocumentFeeder
Running Queries
Queries can be submitted through the com.attivio.client.AttivioSearchClient
Interface Summary Interface Description AbstractReceiverClient.ClientMessageSender HasSecurityCredentials IngestMessageListener -
Class Summary Class Description AbstractReceiverClient Serves as the base class for all client implementations.AbstractSearchClient Client for querying Attivio AIE.ContentFeeder Sends content (documents, deletes, index messages) to an Attivio instance.LazyContentStoreClient AContentStoreClient
that does not get created until one of its methods is used.MessageForwardingClient Client that can be used to send arbitrary messages to any Attivio component by name.MockSearchClient A mockSearchClient
that returns a preset response regardless of search request.