Package com.attivio.sdk.client.streaming

Interfaces that allow developers to request all results, facets, or document id's back from a query. In addition, streaming can be used to send large query filters to AIE for reducing the number of returned results.

Copyright 2019 Attivio Inc., All rights reserved.

An example usage would be:

     SearchClient client = new SearchClient();

     QueryRequest req = new QueryRequest("*:*");

     StreamingQueryResponse response = StreamingQueryRequest(streamRequest));

     for (SearchDocument doc : response.getDocuments()) {
       // do something with each response document

     for (FacetBucket bucket : response.getFacetBuckets()) {
       // do something with each facet bucket

     // once all documents and facet buckets are read you can ask for the
     // query response to get back linguistic feedback, etc.
     QueryResponse resp = response.getQueryResponse();