Interface IncrementalDataSourceScanner

  • public interface IncrementalDataSourceScanner
    Interface for scanners to implement if they want to support incremental scanning. The implementation of the interface provides standard configuration and #reset() in the Administration UI. However, the scanner must implement incremental logic using IngestionHistoryApi to persist the state of the scan between runs. See the SampleIncrementalDataSourceScanner SDK example.
    • Method Detail

      • isIncrementalDeletes

        boolean isIncrementalDeletes()
        true if document auto delete is enabled.
      • setIncrementalDeletes

        void setIncrementalDeletes​(boolean autoDelete)
        Specifies whether to delete Attivio documents when their underlying data source documents were deleted. This setting is only valid if setIncrementalModeActivated(boolean) is set to true.
        autoDelete - if true, will automatically delete documents that no longer exist.
      • reset

        void reset​(java.lang.String connectorName)
            throws AttivioException
        Resets any state being maintained by this scanner.
        connectorName -
      • isIncrementalModeActivated

        boolean isIncrementalModeActivated()
        Whether or not this scanner should run in incremental mode.
        current state of incremental mode activation.
      • setIncrementalModeActivated

        void setIncrementalModeActivated​(boolean incrementalModeActivated)
        Specifies whether or not this scanner should run in incremental mode.
        incrementalModeActivated - a toggle value indicating whether or not this scanner should run in incremental mode.