Interface ConcurrentScannerThrottlingAware

    • Method Detail

      • setDocumentRequestsUpperLimit

        void setDocumentRequestsUpperLimit​(long documentRequestsUpperLimit)
        Sets an upper limit on the number of fetch requests the connector framework implementation will execute
        docRequestsPerTimePeriod - -1 is no limit
      • getDocumentRequestsUpperLimit

        long getDocumentRequestsUpperLimit()
        An upper limit on the number of fetch requests the connector framework implementation will execute
        -1 for no limit
      • setTimePeriodMillis

        default void setTimePeriodMillis​(long timePeriodMillis)
        Sets time period for which to test the upper limit
      • getTimePeriodMillis

        default long getTimePeriodMillis()
        The time period for which to test the upper limit