AccessControlQuery |
Query that performs access control filtering of a search query.
BooleanAndQuery |
A BooleanAndQuery requires all sub queries must match.
BooleanNotQuery |
A BooleanNotQuery excludes all documents matching a sub query.
BooleanOrQuery |
A BooleanOrQuery requires at least one sub query must match.
BoostQuery |
Query operator that will apply a boost query to a search query.
CompositeJoinQuery |
Join query for querying "composite" document that consists of multiple documents.
CompositeJoinQuery.Clause |
FacetQuery |
FieldExpressionQuery |
FilterQuery |
A FilterQuery applies a filter Query to a search Query .
GeoDistanceQuery |
Query for matching documents that are a desired distance from a center point.
GraphQuery |
Query that recursively walks linked documents.
JoinClause |
Represents a clause to join to the primary query.
JoinQuery |
A JoinQuery matches all documents for a primary query, joining secondary queries.
PhraseQuery |
Queries |
Query |
Abstract base class for queries.
QueryParameters.Parameter |
Linked list of parameters.
QueryPlugin |
Query operator that can be used as a placeholder for replacement in the query workflow.
QueryString |
Query operator that contains an unparsed query string.
SavedFilter |
Query that uses a saved filter to match documents.
ShapeQuery |
Query for matching documents with via a Shape .
SubQuery |
Query operator that contains sub Query .