Package com.attivio.sdk.util
Interface Summary Interface Description AdvancedFieldValueMapper Maps a singleIngestFieldValue
to a new field.AdvancedFieldValueModifier Modifies a singleIngestFieldValue
in place.FieldValueMapper Maps a singleIngestFieldValue
to a new field.FieldValueModifier Modify a singleIngestFieldValue
in place.LocaleAware Marks an object for having local specific information.NewFieldCreator Creates a newIngestField
from an existingIngestField
and a new fieldName. -
Class Summary Class Description AdvancedFieldValueMapperWrapper Converts aFieldValueMapper
into aAdvancedFieldValueMapper
.BaseTypesList<E> AnArrayList
that checks the type of all entries against a set of predefined data types inBaseTypesMap.VALID_CLASSES
.BaseTypesMap<K,V> ALinkedHashMap
that checks the type of all keys and values against a set of predefined data types inBaseTypesMap.VALID_CLASSES
.BaseTypesMap.BaseTypesEntry ContainerPropertyReference Simple wrapper around a the name of a spring bean.PropertyMap Map for storing properties.StringParser Simple parser for parsing string values into more complex objects.StringParserFactory Factory for creatingStringParser
instances with custom languages. -
Enum Summary Enum Description CalendarField Calendar Field RequestedStringParser.TokenType Type for a token.TimeResolution Various resolutions for date based operations.