AbstractClientApiFactory<T> |
AbstractServiceProxy |
AbstractTransientExceptionPredicate |
Base class for Attivio predicates checking to see if an exception can be recovered from by
choosing another provider and/or waiting for one to come online.
AieServiceInfo |
A descriptor for an AIE Service.
AlwaysRefetchServiceProxy |
A service proxy that re-fetches the service every time it is used.
CuratorHelper |
Class for obtaining an initialized CuratorFramework instance.
ExceptionUnwrappingServiceProxy |
Simple proxy that handles InvocationTargetException and throws the real cause
HttpTransportClientApiFactory<T> |
MockUnclusteredEventStore |
MockUnclusteredIngestionHistory |
acts like UnclusteredIngestionHistory (hsql) and HBaseIngetsionHistory.
MockUnclusteredNoopIngestionHistory |
Noop ingestion history for test scanners with incrementalModeActivated set to false.
Platform |
The Platform class encapsulates various bits of information about the system environment.
PooledClientProxy<T> |
A client proxy that uses a pool of clients to satisfy API requests.
RefetchOnExceptionServiceProxy |
A proxy for services that refetches the service whenever select exceptions occur.
RoundRobinUnlessLocalStrategy |
A discovery provider strategy that will return the local service instance if available within
this process, and uses round-robin if not.
ServiceDiscoveryHelper |
ServiceFactory |
Class which encapsulates the creation of cluster service classes based on Curator Service
ServiceFactory.AieServiceCacheListener |
ServiceFactoryObject |
SDK supported methods for getting and using registered Attivio APIs.
ServicePropertySetter |
This class uses bean utilities to detect the setting of properties on client services.
ShutdownManager |
Manager for registering shutdown hooks that will run when jvm is terminated gracefully.
ZookeeperCuratorFrameworkBuilder |