All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractAttivioReflectionConverter |
Simple serialization converter that uses reflection to automatically generate XML
AbstractClientApiFactory<T> |
AbstractConverter |
Our abstract converter.
AbstractDocumentAssociation |
Methods for maintaining associations between documents.
AbstractEllipse |
Abstract ellipse definition.
AbstractIndexMessage |
AbstractListMessage<T> |
Abstract container for list based messages.
AbstractMonitoredThing |
AbstractPhraseConverter |
AbstractPlatformMessage |
Base class that handles many of the implementation-level details of an PlatformMessage.
AbstractPlatformMessageConverter |
The abstract ESB message converter
AbstractPolygon |
Abstract polygon definition.
AbstractQueryConverter |
Abstract converter for classes that implement Query .
AbstractReceiverClient |
Serves as the base class for all client implementations.
AbstractReceiverClient.ClientMessageSender |
AbstractSearchClient |
Client for querying Attivio AIE.
AbstractServiceProxy |
AbstractTransientExceptionPredicate |
Base class for Attivio predicates checking to see if an exception can be recovered from by
choosing another provider and/or waiting for one to come online.
AccessControlQuery |
Query that performs access control filtering of a search query.
AccessControlQuery.Method |
Represents an underlaying implementation to use for evaluating a clause.
AccessControlQueryConverter |
AdminMessage |
Base class for all messages intended for the admin service
AdminQuery |
Query for performing queries for administration purposes.
AdminQuery.Facet |
AdminQuery.Filter |
Filter specifier for a dictionary query.
AdminQuery.Sort |
Sort specifier for a dictionary query.
AdminQueryConverter |
AdminQueryResult<T> |
AdminQueryResult.Bucket |
AdminQueryResult.FacetResult |
AdvancedFieldValueMapper |
AdvancedFieldValueMapperWrapper |
AdvancedFieldValueModifier |
AdvancedTextExtractionError |
Contains error codes related to the integration layer.
AfterAllLocalInstancesStarted |
Interface for Stage s to implement if they wish to be notified after all of the local
instances have been started.
AfterLocalNodeStartup |
Interface for Stage s to implement if they wish to be notified after the local AIE node
has been started.
AgentError |
Errors for agent interaction
AggregateExpression |
Expressions for transforming a set of values produced by an underlayinng FieldExpression .
AggregateExpression.Method |
Aggregation method available.
AieLogger |
Interface exposing the platform logging facilities within AIE.
AieLoggerAware |
Interfaces for classes that wish to be able to use the platform logging facilities via a AieLogger .
AieServiceInfo |
A descriptor for an AIE Service.
AieSystemAuditApi |
Internal API for audit processing.
AlwaysRefetchServiceProxy |
A service proxy that re-fetches the service every time it is used.
AnchorFilter |
Anchor phrase to start/end of an indexed value.
AnchorFilter.AnchorMode |
Mode for anchoring this term to indexed values
AnchorFilterConverter |
ApiInit |
ApiSecurityError |
ArgumentInfo |
AttivioAcl |
Represents an access control list (ACL).
AttivioAclConverter |
AttivioAclEntry |
Represents an access control list entry.
AttivioDateConverter |
AttivioDateFormat |
This class provides functions for parsing and formatting dates in a format used by the Attivio
AttivioDefaultCredentialsProvider |
Default credentials provider to pass to setCredentialsProvider(cp) for authentication.
AttivioException |
The base class for general Attivio generated exceptions.
AttivioExceptionConverter |
Handles serialization of AttivioExceptions.
AttivioGroupMembership |
Represents an "is-member-of" relationship/association between a principal and a group that
principal is a member of.
AttivioGroupMembershipConverter |
AttivioIOException |
Base class for IO exceptions in Attivio AIE.
AttivioIOExceptionConverter |
AttivioLogger |
Unifies all logging facilities through SLF4j with special
handling for various features such as error codes and log message formatting.
AttivioLogger.ThreadLocalComponentName |
The thread local component name
AttivioMBean<T> |
A DynamicMBean for exposing attributes and methods via annotations.
AttivioPermission |
Represents a permission type (also known as an access right).
AttivioPrincipal |
Represents a principal (a user or a group).
A principal is characterized by three attributes:
realm ID - the ID of the security realm in which the principal is defined
principal ID - the unique ID of the principal
principal name - the name of the principal
AttivioPrincipal.PrincipalType |
Contains the possible principal types.
AttivioPrincipalAlias |
AttivioPrincipalAlias defines an alias for a principal that allows multiple users to
share the same ACLs.
AttivioPrincipalConverter |
AttivioPrincipalKey |
Represents a key that uniquely identifies a given principal (user or group).
AttivioPrincipalKeyConverter |
AttivioRemoteException |
An unhandled exception from a remote system.
AttivioRemoteExceptionConverter |
Handles serialization of AttivioExceptions.
AttivioRole |
An AttivioRole represents role authorization permissions on client APIs.
AttivioRunnable |
Describes a class that can be run from the command line and provides automatic command line
argument parsing.
AttivioRuntimeException |
Base class for runtime exceptions in Attivio AIE.
AttivioRuntimeExceptionConverter |
AttivioThrowable |
Interface implemented by all Attivio Exception base classes.
AuditClientSummary |
Summary statistics for a client ingestion.
AuditDetail |
Base interface for all AIE message and document audit information.
AuditReaderApi |
The AuditReaderApi allows for the consumption of audit information about the processing of
messages documents.
AuditWriterApi |
The AuditWriterApi allows for the creation of audit information about the processing of
AuthenticationRequest |
PlatformMessage for authentication
AuthenticationRequestConverter |
Handles serialization for an AuthenticationRequest.
AuthenticationResponse |
PlatformMessage for returning AuthenticationRequest's response.
AuthenticationResponseConverter |
Handles serialization for an AuthenticationResponse.
AuthParams |
Interface to be supplied by clients connecting to AIE services which require HTTP Basic
AuthParams |
AutoCompleteApi |
API for the retrieving of query completion suggestions based on a current query request.
AutoCompleteProvider |
Interface for beans that will provide suggestions for user queries.
AutoCompleteSuggestion |
AutowiredExposedApi |
Annotation similar to Spring's Autowired annotation for setters but it only supports handling of
ExposedApi s.
Backup |
Message used to initiate an index backup.
BackupConverter |
BaseDocumentTransformer |
Base interface for all other transformer interfaces that work on documents.
BaseRoutingComponent<T> |
Indicates that the implementor returns values to populate a WorkflowQueue .
BaseTransformerError |
BaseTypesList<E> |
BaseTypesMap<K,V> |
BaseTypesMap.BaseTypesEntry |
BasicAuthentication |
This interface should be implemented by the scanner if Basic authentication will be required for
some of the data sources this scanner will access.
BasisTechError |
BasisTech Error Codes.
BinaryFieldExpression |
BinaryMathExpression |
Mathematical expression for applying a function to two arguments.
BinaryMathExpression.Method |
Binary Function type.
BlockedExitException |
BlockExitSecurityManager |
BooleanAndQuery |
A BooleanAndQuery requires all sub queries must match.
BooleanAndQueryConverter |
BooleanExpression |
Boolean Logic Expression.
BooleanExpression.Operator |
Boolean Operator.
BooleanNotQuery |
A BooleanNotQuery excludes all documents matching a sub query.
BooleanNotQueryConverter |
BooleanOrQuery |
A BooleanOrQuery requires at least one sub query must match.
BooleanOrQueryConverter |
BoostQuery |
Query operator that will apply a boost query to a search query.
BoostQuery.Method |
Enum for specifying the method to use for applying boosts to the score for a search query.
BoostQueryConverter |
BreakableLockListener |
BulkUpdate |
Message that applies a "template" document to multiple document ids.
BulkUpdateConverter |
BusinessCenterError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio Servlet implementations.
ByteArrayContentPointer |
ByteArrayContentPointerConverter |
ByteArrayInputStreamBuilder |
Creates InputStreams from the supplied byte array.
CalendarField |
Calendar Field Requested
CapturingPrintStream |
Simple class which captures output to an internal ByteArrayOutputStream for later retrieval.
Cast |
CastOperator<T> |
CategoryBoostFeature |
Dynamic feature that acts as a template for per-category features based on a FieldExpression .
CgiApiError |
Contains Error codes related to the processing of CGI query requests.
CgiRequest |
Message that represents a request via CGI on a HTTP receiver.
CgiRequestProcessor |
This interface allows implementing components to handle CgiRequest s.
ChangeStatus |
CharacterEncodingUtils |
ChildDocumentPostProcessor |
Handles any post processing logic that needs to be applied to child documents created by a single
Circle |
Defines a circle.
CircleConverter |
XStream serializer for Circle .
ClauseContext |
Selects a clause that fields should be extracted for.
ClientApiFactory<T> |
Base class for all service factories responsible for creating client API instances.
ClientError |
Error codes for Client API
ClientTransport<S> |
Handles sending Message s to an Attivio receiver.
ClientTransportRegistry |
Registry for all available client transports.
CloseableIterable<T> |
Coalesce |
Coalesce multiple sub FieldExpressions.
Collate |
Collation field expression.
Collate.Decomposition |
Collate.Strength |
CommandLineError |
CommandLineError represents a category of errors specific to command-line interfaces.
Commit |
Signifies that the index or other underlying data store should commit currently held documents to
Commit.CommitMode |
Mode for determining how the index will be optimized.
CommitConverter |
Serialize/deserialize commit message
Compare |
Comparison expression.
Compare.Operator |
Comparison Operator.
ComponentNameAware |
Indicates that the component needs to know what its component name is.
ComponentRuntimeState |
Holds the dynamic component state for a particular component.
ComponentState |
Common interface used by ComponentRuntimeState and webservices ComponentState
CompositeJoinQuery |
Join query for querying "composite" document that consists of multiple documents.
CompositeJoinQuery.Clause |
CompositeJoinQueryConverter |
Concat |
Concat the string representation of multiple FieldExpressions together.
ConcurrencyProvider |
The connector framework pass an implementation of this to the scanner.
ConcurrentConverterLookup |
Same as the DefaultCOnverterLookup from XStream except it uses a COncurrentHashMap for better
multi threaded performance.
ConcurrentDocumentFetcherImpl |
Provides scanner with the capability to queue document fetchers for concurrent content retrieval
and publishing.
ConcurrentDocumentFetcherScanner |
This interface is implemented by the scanner if it wants to take advantage of the platform's
concurrent scanner support.
ConcurrentHashSet<E> |
ConcurrentScannerAuditHandler |
Implemented by the connector framework to handle state changes (e.g log the change to persist
ConcurrentScannerDocFetcherState |
An interface for observing the state of the concurrent document fetcher
ConcurrentScannerDocFetcherTask |
ConcurrentScannerDocFetcherTask.TaskInfo |
ConcurrentScannerDocFetcherTask.TaskState |
ConcurrentScannerMessagePublisher |
Synchronizes feeding and content store access to make it suitable for concurrent scanners
ConcurrentScannerMonitoringAware |
The scanner will implement this interface to support the configuration of monitoring parameters
such as alert thresholds
ConcurrentScannerPerformanceAlert |
Hold alert info
ConcurrentScannerPerformanceAlertHandler |
ConcurrentScannerPerformanceAlertRegistration |
Contains the details for raising an alert when a low value has been observed for a "long" time.
ConcurrentScannerStatCalculator |
ConcurrentScannerTaskExecuter |
Executes multiple document fetcher tasks
ConcurrentScannerTaskExecuter.ConcurrentExecutionMetrics |
ConcurrentScannerThrottlingAware |
The scanner will implement this to if it wants platform level throttling support.
ConcurrentThrottler |
The implementation enforces a quota of request executions per time unit.
Condition |
Conditional Expression.
ConfigurationError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio configuration problems.
ConfigurationOption |
Describes all the ways in which a bean's properties can be reflected on the command line and via
ConfigurationOption.OptionLevel |
ConfigurationOptionInfo |
Describes the way Components and Scanners are categorized in Attivio User Interfaces.
ConfigurationOptionInfo.Group |
ConnectorControlApi |
API that allows for control over predefined connectors inside the AIE platform.
ConnectorError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio Connector implementations.
ConnectorExecutionRecord |
Contains information associated with the single execution of a connector.
ConnectorExecutionStatus |
An enumeration that contains the possible states a connector can be in.
ConnectorHistoryApi |
The ConnectorHistoryApi records the current status and history of connector executions on the AIE
ConnectorServiceError |
Errors for the ConnectorServiceServlet
Constant |
Constant value FieldExpression.
ContainerPropertyReference |
Simple wrapper around a the name of a spring bean.
ContentFeeder |
Sends content (documents, deletes, index messages) to an Attivio instance.
ContentPointer |
Represents a pointer to a piece of content.
ContentPointerConverter |
ContentStoreAccess |
The connector framework passes an implementation of this to the DocumentFetchRequest so
it can store the content in Attivio's content store and set the document with a content pointer.
ContentStoreClient |
ContentStoreContentPointer |
A ContentPointer implementation that uses native APIs to access the Content Store
ContentStoreError |
Errors related to Content Stores.
ContentStoreProvider |
The ContentStoreProvider provides access to AIE's content store.
ConverterUtils |
Static utility functions for converters.
CreateBuilderMainShim |
CreateBuilderShim |
CuratorFrameworkBuilder |
Implementations of this interface should not allocate resources within the constructor.
CuratorFrameworkShim |
The shim implementation of CuratorFramework .
CuratorHelper |
Class for obtaining an initialized CuratorFramework instance.
CuratorRule |
This rule sets up logging, creates a Logger associated with the testing class, starts up
zookeeper, and initializes Curator for use in the platform.
CurrentTime |
Constant value FieldExpression.
DatabaseScannerError |
Error codes for the database scanner.
DataGroup |
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptor |
Defines how to handle an error from calls to the underlying data source.
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptor.LogLevel |
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptorImpl |
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptors |
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptorsAware |
The scanner should implement this interface in order to take advantage of the connector sdk
framework for data source API error descriptors.
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptorsCreator |
DataSourceAPIErrorDescriptorsImpl |
DataSourceScanner |
This interface must be implemented by a data source scanner.
DateAdd |
Field expression to add a value to a calendar field for a date.
DateDiff |
Field expression to compute the number of CalendarField boundaries that exist between 2
date values.
DateExtract |
Field expression to extract a calendar field for a date.
DateFacetRequest |
Calendar based date facet.
DateFacetRequest.DateFacetInterval |
An interval for date faceting.
DateFacetRequest.DateFacetResolution |
DateFormat |
FieldExpression for formatting a date value.
DateUtils |
Contains utilities to format and parse dates.
DefaultConnectorExecutionRecord |
DefaultEndpoints |
Class to define the default endpoints used commonly throughout code.
DefaultEndpoints.Ports |
DerivedMetricDefinition |
Used by a client to define a derived metric it wants to register
DerivedMetricSource |
Interface implemented by any class which can derive new metrics from other metrics.
DestinationQueue |
WorkflowQueues model the message flow for their associated message.
DiagnosticExportLogProvider |
DiagnosticExportProvider |
DictionaryClient |
Dictionary Management API.
DictionaryEntry |
Dictionary Entry.
DictionaryEntryConverter |
DictionaryError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Dictionary implementations.
DictionaryInfo |
Dictionary Info.
DictionaryInfoConverter |
DictionaryMode |
The mode used for dictionary compilation.
DictionaryObject |
Abstract class for dictionary objects.
DictionaryPayload |
DictionaryType |
DigestAuthentication |
This interface should be implemented by the scanner if Digest authentication will be required for
some of the data sources this scanner will access.
DistanceUnits |
Define units for expressing distances (primarily for geo search).
DocBoost |
Boost Documents Specified By Document Id.
DocumentAndAcl |
This class is used by the DocumentFetchRequest implementation to return the generated
document and optionally an ACL
DocumentAssert |
Assertions for inspecting/testing documents.
DocumentationLink |
DocumentFetchRequest |
This interface is implemented by the scanner.
DocumentList |
The basic container for a collection of IngestDocuments.
DocumentListConverter |
Marshal/Unmarshal Document List
DocumentMode |
Contains the possible modes for a document.
DocumentModifyingTransformer |
Interface for transformers that work on the entire document.
DocumentOutputClient |
Client for feeding content to AIE.
DocumentProcessorApi |
Simple api that runs documents directly through a specified ingest workflow.
DocumentProcessorError |
Contains error codes related to document processing.
DocumentPublisher |
This interface is passed to DataSourceScanner to allow it to publish Attivio documents.
DocumentRoutingComponent |
Interface for components that provide basic routing features inside an AIE workflow of IngestDocument s.
DocumentSerializer |
Binary serializer for ingest documents.
DocumentState |
Represents the dynamic state of a single document as it is processed by the system.
DocumentState.Status |
describes the status of a document or its containing message
DocumentState.ThreadType |
describes the type of thread that is handling a message or document
DocumentStoreApi |
Client to the AIE document store (currently available only within an AIE node process).
DOMConverter |
Converts w3c dom object to a string.
DuplicatedInputStream |
Utility class that duplicates a single input stream to multiple input streams.
EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory |
EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory can be used to creats SSL Socket s that accept self-signed
EasyX509TrustManager |
EasyX509TrustManager unlike default X509TrustManager accepts self-signed certificates.
Ellipse |
Defines an ellipse.
EllipseConverter |
EncryptionUtils |
Standard encryption relate utilities used throughout Attivio.
EntityTypes |
Contains names of entity types that are commonly used throughout the system as well as other
entity related definitions and utility functions
EnvironmentAwareConfiguration |
ErrorCode |
Assigns codes and categories for every error message that can be generated by the Attivio system.
ErrorCodeConverter |
ErrorRow |
POJO class used to store summary counts per error code.
EventQuery |
EventStoreApi |
Store, retrieve and acknowledge events.
EventStoreError |
EventUtils |
ExceptionResponse |
Response containing an Exception.
ExceptionResponseConverter |
ExceptionUnwrappingServiceProxy |
Simple proxy that handles InvocationTargetException and throws the real cause
ExistsBuilder |
ExpansionMode |
Expansion mode for dictionary entries.
ExportResources |
This is a data container class for use by the Java ResourceBundle system.
ExportStatusCode |
This class is a wrapper for a return code generated by the native process of an Export
ExposedApi |
Marker interface for all externally exposed/supported APIs.
ExposedApiContainer |
Container for Map entries.
ExternalizableStore |
ExternalizableStore.ImportOption |
FacetBucket |
FacetBucketAssert |
FacetBucketConverter |
FacetBuckets |
FacetBucketsAssert<T extends FacetBuckets> |
FacetFilter |
A filter for applying the result of a FacetBucket to a query.
FacetFilterConverter |
FacetQuery |
FacetQueryConverter |
FacetRange |
Defines a range of values to generate a FacetBucket for.
FacetRangeConverter |
FacetRequest |
Represents a generic Facet Request based on the value of a field.
FacetRequest.SortBy |
Enumeration listing types of sorts for a facet request
FacetRequestConverter |
FacetRequestFactory |
Experimental: Factory for parsing/creating facet requests.
FacetRequestFactory.SchemaFacetFilter |
FacetResponse |
FacetResponseAssert |
FacetResponseConverter |
FacetStatistics |
FaultTolerantAware |
Interface for components that wish to be notified whether or not the system is configured for
fault tolerance.
FederationError |
Encapsualte errors returned by he federated module.
FieldBoostFeature |
FieldCollapse |
Field Collapsing Specification.
FieldCollapse.Mode |
Mode for performing field collapsing.
FieldCollapseConverter |
FieldExpression |
Base class for field expressions.
FieldExpression.StringMode |
FieldExpressionConverter |
XStream serializer for com.attivio.model.fields.FieldExpression .
FieldExpressionFactory |
FieldExpressionHandler |
FieldExpressionQuery |
FieldExpressionQueryConverter |
FieldExpressions |
Utility class for working with field expressions.
FieldLength |
FieldExpression for returning an approximate number of tokenized terms for a field for each
FieldNames |
Contains document field names that are frequently used in the default Attivio transformers.
FieldRequest |
A request for a field.
FieldValueCreatingTransformer<T> |
Interface for document transformers that create a new field value based on an existing field's
FieldValueMapper |
FieldValueModifier |
FieldValueModifyingTransformer |
Interface for document transformers that modify and existing field value in place.
FileContentPointer |
FileInputStreamBuilder |
{code}FileInputStreamBuilder{code} is an adapter for a FileInputStream.
FileTransactionStorage |
FileTransactionStorage.FileOutput |
FileUtils |
Contains utility methods for reading/writing files while handling encodings and other issues.
FileUtils.FileNameComparator |
Compares file objects.
FilterBasedFacetRequest |
A FacetRequest whose buckets are defined by Queries .
FilterQuery |
A FilterQuery applies a filter Query to a search Query .
FilterQueryConverter |
FormAuthentication |
This interface should be implemented by the scanner if Form based authentication will be required
for some of the data sources this scanner will access.
Freshness |
Field Expression to calculate a Freshness score.
FreshnessRange |
FuzzyMatch |
Fuzzy match field expression.
FuzzyTerm |
Phrase that fuzzy matches all terms are similar to a specified term.
FuzzyTermConverter |
GeoBoost |
Computes a boost score based on the geographical distance from a center point.
GeoDistance |
Computes the geographical distance from a center point.
GeoDistanceQuery |
Query for matching documents that are a desired distance from a center point.
GeoDistanceQueryConverter |
GeometryUtils |
Utility functions for geometry classes.
GlobalDataStructureFactory |
GlobalDataStructureFactoryAware |
GlobalLock |
GlobalMap |
GlobalMapListener |
GlobalMembership |
GlobalSet |
GlobalVariable |
GraphQuery |
Query that recursively walks linked documents.
GraphQueryConverter |
GroupedMessage |
Grouped messages are processed in order relative to each other and are guaranteed to all fall on
the same side of a commit/optimize/backup boundary.
GroupedMessageId |
An Id used to associate messages together into a group.
GroupedMessageIdConverter |
HadoopCheckerError |
Contains error codes related to the hadoop checker
HandlesDocumentTimeout |
Interfaces for any subclass of BaseDocumentTransformer to implement if they need to
perform specialized cleanup in the event of a document timeout.
HandlesSpecificDocumentModes |
HasBackoffLocaleProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a default/backoff Locale
HasBaseDataDirectoryProperty |
HasCaseModeProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a case mode property
HasDropDocumentOnExceptionProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a overwrite property
HasFieldMappingProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a field mappings property
HasFieldsProperty |
Marker interface for stages that process a list of fields.
HasInputListProperty |
Marker interface for stages that process a list of input fields.
HasInputProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a input property
HasOverwriteProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a overwrite property
HasQueryLanguageProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a query language property
HasSchemaNameProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a schema name property
HasSecurityCredentials |
HasTokenizerProperty |
Common interface for beans that have a tokenizer property
HighlightMode |
HttpClientProvider |
This interface should be used by the scanner to obtain the Http client object.
HttpClientProviderFactory |
HttpClientTransport |
Handles sending Messages to Attivio HTTP receivers.
HttpConnectionConfig |
Http client connections Configuration parameters
HttpDataSourceScanner |
The scanner should implement this interface if it retrieves data using an Http client.
HttpProxy |
The scanner should implement this interface if the Http data source is connected to through an
Http proxy.
HttpResponseStream |
InputStream for reading the response from an http method.
HttpsClientTransport |
Handles sending Messages to Attivio HTTPS receivers.
HttpTransportClientApiFactory<T> |
HTTPUtils |
Contains utility methods related to HTTP.
ImageUtils |
Utilities for inspecting, processing, and modifying Images.
IncludeExcludeDocumentFilter |
Support for filtering documents by field value.
IncludeExcludeDocumentFilterImpl |
IncrementalDataSourceScanner |
Interface for scanners to implement if they want to support incremental scanning.
IndexCommitter |
An interface to commit index zones.
IndexCommitterAware |
Interface for scanners to implement if they want to be supplied an instance of IndexCommitter by the Connector Runtime.
IndexEngineError |
Contains error codes related to the index engine.
IndexMessage |
Defines the interface for messages which flow through the indexing workflow.
IndexMessageHandler |
This interface allows implementing components handle IndexMessage s.
IndexProcessError |
IndexWorkflowError |
Contains error codes related to index workflow
IngestApi |
The API registered by the IngestService.
IngestClient |
Sends content (documents, deletes, index messages) to an Attivio instance.
IngestDocument |
A document for content ingestion.
IngestDocumentConverter |
Marshals/unmarshals Attivio documents to/from XML.
IngestDocumentFilterAware |
IngestField |
IngestFieldValue |
IngestHistoryError |
IngestionHistoryApi |
The IngestionHistoryApi is used to provide incremental capabilities to ingestion clients.
IngestionHistoryApiBatchSupport |
Additional interface to add getSignatureBatch() and visitBatch() to IngestionHistoryApi (which we
cannot change to avoid backward compatability issues)
IngestionHistoryApiBatchSupport.VisitBatch |
IngestMessageListener |
InputStreamBuilder |
Provides the ability to recreate an InputStream on demand.
InputValue |
Interface for an input value for an argument.
InstanceState |
what a particular instance of a component is doing at any one time.
InstanceStateCounter |
holds a count of the time a particular instance is in any one state.
InterProcessMutex |
A shim for InterProcessMutex between us and
InverseMapEntryComparator<T extends java.lang.Comparable<T>> |
Inverted sort: bigger values come first
IOUtils |
Contains utilities for reading/writing streams.
IOUtils.OutputStreamConsumer |
Used for copying an OutputStream into an InputStream.
JmxApiServiceFactory<T> |
A factory class for returning objects that implement the interface T .
JmxAuthParams |
JmxInvokable |
Annotation to apply to a method to mark it as an invokable method in JMX.
JmxManageable |
Annotation to apply to a class to identify it as using annotations for marking what methods are
getters, setters, or invokable.
JmxReadable |
Annotation to apply to a getter method to mark it as a readable attribute in JMX.
JmxUtils |
Set of base-level JMX utilities needed for remote JMX invocation
JMXUtils |
Contains utilities for interfacing Attivio components to JMX.
JMXUtils.JmxConnectionErrorPredicate |
JmxWritable |
Annotation to apply to a setter method to mark it as a writable attribute in JMX.
JoinClause |
Represents a clause to join to the primary query.
JoinFacetMode |
Enumeration listing the possible facet modes for joined documents.
JoinFinderError |
Error codes for join finder module.
JoinMode |
The JoinMode for a JoinClause.
JoinQuery |
A JoinQuery matches all documents for a primary query, joining secondary queries.
JoinQueryConverter |
JoinRollupMode |
Enumeration listing the possible rollup modes for joined documents.
JsonSerializer |
Static utility class for getting an ObjectMapper that will serialize attivio sdk objects
KernelError |
ErrorCode class for low level kernel errors.
LazyContentStoreClient |
LazyReference<T> |
A class that keeps a reference to an object and initializes it in a lazy fashion.
LinguisticProcessingError |
Contains Errors Related to Linguistic Processing
LoadGeneratorError |
LocaleAdapter |
LocaleAware |
Marks an object for having local specific information.
LocaleUtils |
Contains locale-related constants and utility methods.
LocalSearchClientImpl |
Locate |
LowerCase |
Lower Case String Normalization.
ManagedTransport<S,R> |
Represents a Transport that is managed by the core system.
MasterCandidate |
MatchingFields |
FieldExpression to provide the list of fields that matched during query execution.
MatchingTerms |
FieldExpression to provide the list of terms that match the query for a field.
MaxMessagesInFlight |
Bean which contains the message processing restrictions for a particular MessageDomain .
MayHangOnShutdown |
This interface may be implemented by transports that have special knowledge about pending
dispatches during shutdown.
MembershipListener |
MemoryError |
MessageDomain |
Represents a domain of messages that may be treated differently by the ESB.
MessageDomainManager |
Singleton which manages the list of queues and associated message domains.
MessageEmitter |
Handles routing messages to the correct component inside the bus.
MessageForwardingClient |
Client that can be used to send arbitrary messages to any Attivio component by name.
MessageHandlingWorkflowStage |
MessageHistory |
Tracks where a message has been and other associated metadata about message flow inside and
outside of the system.
MessageHistoryConverter |
MessageId |
Container for a multi-part message id.
MessageIdConverter |
MessageLifecycleState |
MessageList |
MessageListConverter |
MessageListTransportCallback |
An interface for callbacks to be invoked after transportation (successful or not) of a MessageList
MessageMetadata |
Container for arbitrary metadata about a message.
MessageMetadataConverter |
MessageRoutingComponent |
Interface for components that provide basic routing features inside an AIE workflow of PlatformMessage s.
MessageUtils |
Contains utilities for accessing the Enterprise Service Bus functionality.
MetadataError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio Metadata implementations.
MetadataHistory |
Metric |
Metric.Type |
The type of a metric indicates what if any special processing needs to be done in the
performance server.
MetricData |
MetricGuiHelper |
MetricGuiHelper.GuiGroup |
MetricGuiHelper.InstanceDimension |
MetricGuiHelper.MetricName |
MetricInstance |
A specific instance of a metric.
MetricNameUtils |
MetricRegistrar |
Interface for registration of metrics
MetricsCollector |
An interface describing generic metrics collection at the component level.
MockAieLogger |
MockAutoCompleteApi |
Default behavior is to noop, providers must be added in order to achieve other functionality or
to test a specific provider
MockBasicAuthenticationProvider |
MockConnectorHistory |
MockContentStoreClient |
Content store that saves the stream to a byte array in memory.
MockContentStoreProvider |
Content store that saves the stream to a byte array in memory.
MockDocumentProcessingWorkflow |
Mock version of a document processing workflow that directly processes documents
MockDocumentProcessorApi |
MockDocumentStore |
Mock implementation of a document store.
MockHttpClientProviderFactory |
MockIngestApi |
A mock implementation of IngestApi that keeps a list of all messages sent to it.
MockIngestApi.MockAuditDetail |
MockIngestAuditApi |
MockIngestAuditApi.AuditDetailCollector |
MockIngestAuditApi.ClientData |
MockIngestAuditApi.CorrelationIdFilter |
MockIngestAuditApi.DateFilter |
MockIngestAuditApi.DocIdCollector |
MockIngestAuditApi.IdFilter |
MockIngestAuditApi.NoDetailFilter |
MockIngestAuditApi.ResultCodeFilter |
MockIngestAuditApi.SequenceIdFilter |
MockIngestClient |
MockProcessingFeedbackHandler |
MockProcessingFeedbackHandler.Type |
Different types of feedback given to the feedback handler.
MockPublisher |
A ContentFeeder based mock publisher.
MockRelevancyModelApi |
API for interacting with relevancy models in the system.
MockSchemaApi |
MockSearchClient |
A mock SearchClient that returns a preset response regardless of search request.
MockServiceFactory |
SDK supported methods for getting and using registered Attivio Testing APIs.
MockSignalTrackingService |
MockTransportDefinitionStore |
MockUnclusteredEventStore |
MockUnclusteredIngestionHistory |
acts like UnclusteredIngestionHistory (hsql) and HBaseIngetsionHistory.
MockUnclusteredNoopIngestionHistory |
Noop ingestion history for test scanners with incrementalModeActivated set to false.
ModelBuildingError |
Contains errors related to building, loading, and saving models.
ModelStringUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with the Strings
MonitoringApi |
APi exposed by the Performance Monitoring Server.
MultiaryFieldExpression |
MultiaryFieldExpression.Method |
MultiOutputDocumentTransformer |
Interface for document transformers that create multiple output documents or messages for each
input document.
MultiOutputDocumentTransformerMode |
MultiRegionError |
MultiRegionTransport<S,R> |
MultiValueJoin |
FieldExpression that joins all values of a multi value field on a delimiter.
MultiValueMap<K,V> |
Map implementation that can hold multiple unique values for a given key.
MultiValueMode |
Mode for handling multi-value arguments that don't have the same number of values.
NewFieldCreator |
NoAuthentication |
This interface should be implemented by the scanner if some of the data sources accessed by this
scanner require no authentication.
NoDeployedProjectException |
PLAT-39471 - Should not be able to get project level services if the project was not deployed
unless the curator framework builder allow it explicitly (for the test environment).
NonCopyingByteArrayOutputStream |
A ByteArrayOutptuStream that allows access to a proper length InputStream from the underlying
NonRestartableInputStreamBuilder |
Creates an InputStreamBuilder from an existing InputStream.
NoOpSystemStateMonitor |
A system state monitor that does no recording of system state.
NtlmAuthentication |
This interface should be implemented by the scanner if Ntlm authentication will be required for
some of the data sources this scanner will access.
NumDocs |
FieldExpression that returns the number of indexed documents.
ObjectAdapter |
Maps any object to itself.
ObjectOutputSerializer |
Uses xml to serializes objects over a stream.
ObjectUtils |
Contains utility functions for working with the Object type
OntologyError |
Error codes for ontology processing.
Operator<T> |
Abstract Query Language Operator.
Optimize |
Represents an 'optimize' index message.
Optimize.BackgroundMode |
BackgroundMode specifies if optimize will block ingestion of documents while running.
Optimize.OptimizeMode |
Mode for determining how the index will be optimized.
OptimizeConverter |
Serialize Deserialize optimize message
OutputValue |
Interface for adding output values to the result.
PagingContext |
Data structure which keeps track of all ids which are associated with the latest timestamp.
ParentChildAssociationAware |
ParentChildDocumentAssociation |
Implementation that associates children with parents
ParentChildDocumentAssociation |
Scanners use instances of this interface to associate parent documents with child documents.
PartitionId |
The PartitionId field expression returns an integer indicating the partition where a document is
PerfmonServerError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio Performance Monitoring Server.
PersistsThroughCycles |
Interface used for tagging that a particular message will persist through a cycle.
Phrase |
Base class for a component to a phrase query.
Phrase.Parameter |
Parameter Linked List.
PhraseAssert |
Assertions for inspecting/testing tokens.
PhraseBoostFeature |
Relevancy feature that extracts phrase queries from the user query.
PhraseBoostFeature.ScopeBoost |
Experimental boost for phrases that match in specified scopes.
PhraseHandler |
Handler interface used for traversing a Phrase tree.
PhraseMatch |
FieldExpression that returns a boolean result indicating if a phrase matches a
PhraseNear |
Phrase for matching terms that are proximal to each other.
PhraseNearConverter |
PhraseNot |
Phrase operator that matches an include phrase as long as it does not contain an exlude phrase.
PhraseNotConverter |
PhraseNotIn |
Phrase operator that matches an include phrase as long as it is not contained within an exlude
PhraseNotInConverter |
PhraseOperator<T extends Phrase> |
PhraseOr |
PhraseOrConverter |
PhrasePlugin |
Phrase query plugin to support template queries that are replaced in during query processing.
PhrasePluginConverter |
PhraseQuery |
PhraseQueryConverter |
PhraseScore |
FieldExpression that computes the score for a phrase match for each document.
PhraseTerm |
Represents an atomic term in a phrase.
Ping |
A message sent to an AdminService to see if it is listening for messages.
PingConverter |
XStream serializer for Ping .
PingResponse |
A message sent in response to a Ping message.
PingResponseConverter |
Platform |
The Platform class encapsulates various bits of information about the system environment.
Platform |
The Platform class encapsulates various bits of information about the system environment.
Platform.Mode |
An enum listing the different modes Attivio can run in.
PlatformError |
Contains error codes related to system processes and messaging.
PlatformMessage |
Interface that underlies all information moving inside and between Attivio systems.
PlatformService |
Interface for services that need to live in the admin workflow.
Point |
Represents an x,y pair of doubles.
PointConverter |
XStream serializer for Point .
Polygon |
Defines a polygon.
PolygonConverter |
PooledClient |
Tagging annotation that tells the Service Discovery framework that this API should use a pooled
client pattern.
PooledClientProxy<T> |
A client proxy that uses a pool of clients to satisfy API requests.
Position |
Represents a "Position" in a TokenList.
PositionIterator |
Iterates over all unique positions in a TokenList.
PrincipalsError |
ProcessError |
ProcessManager error codes.
ProcessingFeedbackDocumentTagger |
interface for document tagging based on processing results.
ProcessingFeedbackDocumentTagger.ProcessingResultLevel |
ProcessingFeedbackHandler |
Interface for ingest transformers to implement if they wish to pass additional feedback to the
client about the processing of the message or document.
ProcessingResult |
A ProcessingResult at a minimum contains the result Code of a document processing step.
ProcessingResult.Data |
ProcessingResult.DocData |
ProcessingResult.MsgData |
ProcessingResultCode |
Represents the result of processing a message or document.
ProcessingResultConverter |
ProcessingResultMessage |
Class used for transmitting ProcessingResult s across JVM boundaries.
ProcessingResultMessageConverter |
PropertiesMessage |
Properties messages contain a set of properties to be delivered to a component.
PropertiesMessageConverter |
PropertyMap |
Map for storing properties.
PropertyMapConverter |
PropertyStoreError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for the property store used by real time fields.
ProvidesProcessingFeedback |
QualifiedComponentNameAware |
Indicates that the component needs to know what its qualified component name is.
Queries |
Query |
Abstract base class for queries.
QueryAdapter |
QueryAssert |
Assertions for inspecting/testing tokens.
QueryBuilderError |
QueryFacetBucket |
A FacetBucket that contains a query for drilldown.
QueryFeedback |
An arbitrary feedback message generated by a query or response transformer.
QueryFeedbackConverter |
QueryFrame |
EXPERIMENTAL: This API will be changed/renamed in a future release.
QueryFrameResult |
QueryHandler |
QueryHandler is the interface for query traversal handlers.
QueryLanguages |
Contains names of all query languages shipped with AIE by default.
QueryOperator<T extends Query> |
QueryOperators |
Registry of operators for query parsing.
QueryOperators.AccessControlQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.AnchorFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.AndNotPhraseOperator |
QueryOperators.AndQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.BoostPhraseOperator |
QueryOperators.BoostQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.CircleCastOperator |
QueryOperators.CircleFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.CompositeJoinQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.DateCastOperator |
QueryOperators.DateTermOperator |
QueryOperators.EllipseCastOperator |
QueryOperators.EllipseFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.FacetQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.FilterQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.FuzzyTermOperator |
QueryOperators.GeoDistanceOperator |
QueryOperators.GraphQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.IsNullOperator |
QueryOperators.JoinQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.MatchAllOperator |
QueryOperators.NearOperator |
QueryOperators.NotInPhraseOperator |
QueryOperators.NotPhraseOperator |
QueryOperators.NotQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.NullPhraseOperator |
QueryOperators.NullQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.ONearOperator |
QueryOperators.OrPhraseOperator |
QueryOperators.OrQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.PhraseNearParser |
QueryOperators.PhraseQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.PhraseTermParser<T extends PhraseTerm> |
QueryOperators.PolygonCastOperator |
QueryOperators.PolygonFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.QueryPluginOperator |
QueryOperators.QueryStringOperator |
QueryOperators.RectangleCastOperator |
QueryOperators.RectangleFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.RegexTermOperator |
QueryOperators.RequireAllOperator |
QueryOperators.SavedFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.ScopeTermOperator |
QueryOperators.SearchTermOperator |
QueryOperators.ShapeFilterOperator |
QueryOperators.SubQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.TermQueryOperator |
QueryOperators.TermRangeOperator |
QueryOperators.WhereOperator |
QueryOperators.WildcardTermOperator |
QueryParameter |
FieldExpression for returning a query parameter from a QueryRequest .
QueryParameters |
Contains all standard Query parameters.
QueryParameters.Parameter |
Linked list of parameters.
QueryParameterSelector |
A query selector is used to select if a query node should be accepted for traversal.
QueryParserError |
Contains error codes related to the query parser
QueryParsers |
QueryPlacement |
Query Placment.
QueryPlacementConverter |
QueryPlugin |
Query operator that can be used as a placeholder for replacement in the query workflow.
QueryPluginConverter |
QueryRequest |
Represents a search query and all associated meta data about the query such as sorting, faceting,
linguistic options, etc.
QueryRequest.AcronymsMode |
Modes for Acronym Expansion.
QueryRequest.FacetFinderMode |
Modes for FacetFinder.
QueryRequest.SpellCheckMode |
Modes for spell checking.
QueryRequest.StopwordsMode |
Modes for Stopword removal
QueryRequest.SynonymsMode |
Modes for Synonym Expansion.
QueryRequestConverter |
Marshals/unmarshals query requests to/from XML.
QueryResponse |
QueryResponseAssert |
QueryResponseConverter |
Marshals/unmarshals query responses to/from XML.
QueryString |
Query operator that contains an unparsed query string.
QueryStringConverter |
QueryTransformer |
Base interface for components that work on a QueryRequest from a client.
QueryTraverser |
Abstract base class for a query traverser that maintains tree state during traversal.
QueryUtils |
Utility functions for working with queries.
RandomAccessFileInputStream |
An InputStream wrapper around the RandomAccessFile class.
RandomAccessFileOutputStream |
An OutputStream wrapper around the RandomAccessFile class.
RangeFacetBucket |
RangeFacetRequest |
A FacetRequest requesting counts for documents with values in specified ranges.
Rectangle |
Defines a rectangle.
RectangleConverter |
ReducingTransformer |
RefetchOnExceptionServiceProxy |
A proxy for services that refetches the service whenever select exceptions occur.
ReflectionUtils |
Utility class for performing actions requiring reflection.
RegexMatch |
Regex match field expression.
RegexTerm |
Phrase that matches all terms that match a regular expression.
RegexTermConverter |
RelevancyError |
Contains errors related to relevancy configurations.
RelevancyFeature |
Experimental Relevancy API.
RelevancyFeatureDef |
A definition for a relevancy feature to be used for relevancy evaluation.
RelevancyFeatureVector |
Experimental Relevancy API.
RelevancyModel |
RelevancyModel.FeatureWeight |
RelevancyModel.Source |
RelevancyModelApi |
API for interacting with relevancy models in the system.
RelevancyModelConverter |
RemoteClientApiFactory<T> |
Base interface for all factories which create clients capable of remote connections to the
RemoteEndpoint |
RemoteIngestApiFactory |
RemoteJmxEndpoint |
RemoteSearchClient |
RemoteSearchClientFactory |
ReplicationError |
Contains Error codes related to index replication.
RequiresServiceInfo |
Interface which indicates a local service implementation AieServiceInfo data to
initialize itself
ResettableInputStreamRequestEntity |
ResponseTransformer |
Base interface for components that work on a QueryResponse before being sent back to a
RestartableInputStream |
Buffers an input stream to disk.
RevisionStatus |
The status for a particular revision.
RoundRobinUnlessLocalStrategy |
A discovery provider strategy that will return the local service instance if available within
this process, and uses round-robin if not.
SailError |
Deprecated. |
SavedFilter |
Query that uses a saved filter to match documents.
SavedFilterConverter |
ScannerInfo |
ScannerInfo.Field |
ScannerInfo.ScannerPurpose |
SchedulerError |
Contains the error codes related to the scheduler service.
Schema |
Contains all information about a particular data set.
SchemaApi |
API for working with available schemas.
SchemaConverter |
Serialize/deserialize schema
SchemaError |
Contains the error codes related to the applying the schema to a query or document.
SchemaFacetRequest |
FacetRequest for getting the fields populated in documents for the search query.
SchemaField |
Represents a field in the schema.
SchemaField.LowerCaseMode |
Enum indicating the lowercase mode.
SchemaField.TokenizeMode |
Enum indicating the tokenization mode.
SchemaField.Type |
All the valid field types.
SchemaFieldBucket |
SchemaFieldProperties |
Contains all standard SchemaField properties and their defaults.
SchemaUtil |
Utilities for working with Attivio Schema.
SchemaUtilAware |
Interface for components to implements that are interested in access to a SchemaUtil .
SchemaUtils |
ScopeBoost |
Boost phrase matches that occur inside a specified scope.
ScopeBoostConverter |
ScopeFacetRequest |
ScopeFacetRequest.CaseMode |
Case Normalization Method To Apply To Extracted Scopes.
ScopeField |
FieldExpression for returning scopes from a stored field.
ScopeFilter |
Require phrase to exist within a specified scope.
ScopeFilterConverter |
ScopeFrequency |
FieldExpression that returns the number of occurrences for a specified scope in the specified
field for a document.
ScopeInfo |
Represents scope tokens.
ScopeTeaser |
Teaser field expression for convenient use of scope field highlighting.
ScopeTerm |
Phrase that matches a named scope.
ScopeTermConverter |
ScopeVector |
Produces a multi-value field extracting the specified scope from the requested field.
ScoreExplain |
FieldExpression to provide the explanation of a document's score.
ScoreMode |
SdkAssert |
Assertions for testing sdk objects.
SdkRule |
Initializes logging and creates a public TemporaryFolder field tmp.
SdkTestUtils |
SearchClient |
Client for issuing searches against an AIE system.
SearchClientError |
Contains the error codes related to the Search Client API
SearchDocument |
A document returned from a search.
SearchDocumentConverter |
Marshals/unmarshals response documents.
SearchDocumentList |
A list of SearchDocuments returned for a query.
SearchDocumentListConverter |
Marshals/unmarshals response document lists
SearchDocumentSerializer |
Binary serializer for response documents.
SearchDocumentSerializer.FieldDef |
Field Serializer.
SearchEngineError |
Contains the error codes related to the search engine.
SearchField |
SearchFieldValue |
SearchProfile |
Represents meta information about a search profile.
SearchProfileApi |
EXPERIMENTAL: This API will be changed/renamed in a future release.
SearchTerm |
Represents a search term in a phrase.
SearchTermConverter |
SearchWorkflowError |
Contains the error codes related to the search workflow.
SecurityAdError |
Contains the Security-AD module error codes.
SecurityError |
Contains the Security module error codes.
SecurityFeeder |
Contains common methods for feeding AttivioPrincipal's and AttivioAcl's.
SecurityUtils |
Contains utility methods related to security.
SelfManagedTransport<S,R> |
Represents a transport that manages it's own thread/s for receiving messages.
SerializationUtils |
Utilities for serializing data.
ServiceDiscoveryHelper |
ServiceFactory |
Factory for getting and using registered Attivio APIs.
ServiceFactory |
Class which encapsulates the creation of cluster service classes based on Curator Service
ServiceFactory.AieServiceCacheListener |
ServiceFactoryFactory |
ServiceFactoryFactory.ServiceFactoryError |
ServiceFactoryObject |
SDK supported methods for getting and using registered Attivio APIs.
ServiceFactoryParams |
ServiceListener |
ServicePropertySetter |
This class uses bean utilities to detect the setting of properties on client services.
ServiceProxy |
Interface our proxy classes implement that exposes common functionality
ServletError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio Servlet implementations.
ShallowMode |
Mode for executing facets that support shallow computations.
Shape |
Represents an abstract shape.
ShapeQuery |
Query for matching documents with via a Shape .
ShapeQueryConverter |
SharedClient |
Tagging annotation that tells the Service Discovery framework that this API should only be
created once.
SharedResourceAutoCompleteProvider |
Interface for autocomplete providers that need to share a resource
Shutdown |
Sent to tell the AdminService to shutdown this instance of Attivio.
ShutdownConverter |
ShutdownImmediately |
Sent to tell the AdminService to shutdown this instance of Attivio quickly without waiting for
in-flight documents to pass through the system.
ShutdownImmediatelyConverter |
ShutdownManager |
Manager for registering shutdown hooks that will run when jvm is terminated gracefully.
Signal |
Signal.SimpleSignalCompare |
Compares using type, query, docId, and principal.
SignalAdminApi |
API for internal signal store administration.
SignalTrackingApi |
API for interacting tracking signals in the system.
SingleInstancePerCluster |
Indicate that maxInstances is equal to 1 for this component across the entire topology.
SingleInstancePerNamedComponent |
Indicate that maxInstances per node is equal to 1 for this component for each
configuration of the class.
SingleInstancePerNode |
Indicate that maxInstances is equal to 1 for this component for each node the class/service is
running on.
SliderError |
Contains error codes related to slider
SonarError |
Sonar error codes.
SonarSpiderError |
Contains the ErrorCodes for Attivio Connector implementations.
Sort |
Sort specifier
Sort.NullSortOrder |
Sort order for NULL values.
Sort.SortOrder |
Contains the possible sort order values
SortConverter |
XStream serializer for Sort .
SqlSdkError |
SQLSDK module error codes.
Stage |
Base interface for all AIE components.
StandardScore |
Standard Score FieldExpression.
Startable |
Interface for Stage s to implement if they wish to perform basic initialization after all
of their properties have been set.
Stateful |
PlatformComponents can implement this interface to indicate that they may hold state that would
be lost during a dynamic removal of the component.
StatusListener |
Accepts status messages for various system or client events.
StatusListenerTee |
Passes each message to all listeners
StickyClient |
Tagging annotation that tells the Service Discovery framework that this API should use the same
client connection for every API call.
Stoppable |
Interface for Stage s to implement if they wish to perform basic shutdown during the AIE
shutdown process.
StorageLock |
StoredField |
FieldExpression for returning the values for a stored field.
StoreError |
Errors for platform store
StreamClosedException |
Exception indicating that a stream has been closed.
StreamedResponseClient |
StreamedResponseClient.PingHandler |
Expert: PingHandler interface.
StreamingFacetResponse |
StreamingObjectSerializer |
Interface for streaming multiple objects across a single open input/output stream.
StreamingQueryRequest |
Models the basic properties of a query request that is meant to provide streaming results.
StreamingQueryRequest.DocumentStreamingMode |
StreamingQueryResponse |
An interface that allows the developer to retrieve results from a streaming search query.
StreamingRecordIteratorAbstract |
Abstract class so that other iterators can share some of the logic.
StreamMode |
Indicates mode for how to stream documents.
StreamRequestInfo |
StreamRequestInfoConverter |
StreamResponse |
StreamResponseConverter |
StringLength |
Computes the length of a string.
StringMessage |
A simple PlatformMessage that holds a string.
StringMessageConverter |
StringParser |
Simple parser for parsing string values into more complex objects.
StringParser.TokenType |
Type for a token.
StringParserFactory |
Factory for creating StringParser instances with custom languages.
StringUtils |
Contains utility methods related to strings.
StringUtils.WhiteSpaceTrimmingInputStream |
Replaces any chunk of whitespace characters within a text stream, with a single space
StructureExtractionError |
Contains error codes related to the Structure Extraction module.
SubQuery |
Query operator that contains sub Query .
SubQueryConverter |
SubString |
Substring field expression.
SummaryType |
Indicates the type of summarization desired when fetching metric data with a period greater than
the sampling period
SuppressWarnings |
SuppressWarnings annotation that can be used at runtime by findbugs but can be shipped with our
Switch |
A select case field expression.
Switch.Case |
SynchronizedBoolean |
A class useful for offloading synch for boolean instance variables.
SynchronizedVariable |
Base class for simple, small classes maintaining single values that are always accessed and
updated under synchronization.
SyncronousMessageHandle |
Callback container for synchronous request/response handling during message delivery.
SystemEvent |
A significant event in the system.
SystemEvent.Acknowledgement |
SystemEvent.CorrelationState |
SystemEvent.Severity |
SystemEventPublisher |
SystemEventPublisherAware |
SystemState |
Contains handy static method for getting the configured SystemStateMonitor.
SystemStateMonitor |
A SystemStateMonitor provides methods for observing various state changes in the system.
SystemStateMonitor.ComponentEvent |
The series of events a component processing a message may go through.
Tailer |
Version of Tailer that lets you set the start position
Tailer.TailerListener |
TaskStateAware |
This interface is implemented by a class that maintains the state of tasks.
Teaser |
Computes a dynamic teaser.
TermBoostFeature |
Relevancy feature that extracts term queries from the user query.
TermRange |
Phrase that matches all terms in a range.
TermRangeConverter |
TermVector |
FieldExpression for returning the tokens for a specified field.
TestInfo |
TestScannerRunner |
Supports the starting and the stopping of a scanner.
TestScannerRunnerImpl |
TextExtractionError |
The text extraction error codes
ThreadSafe |
Indicates that the component is thread safe and does not require an object pool.
ThreadUtils |
Utility functions for working with threads.
TimeResolution |
Various resolutions for date based operations.
TitleCase |
Title Case String Normalization.
Token |
Represents a Token.
TokenAnnotation |
Enumeration of annotations that can be placed on tokens.
TokenAnnotationSet |
TokenConverter |
Marshals/unmarshals tokens
TokenEnum |
Enumeration for scanning token lists efficiently
TokenIterator |
Iterator that will iterate over all tokens in list
TokenIterator.State |
Experimental: contains an opaque iteration state that can be used to reposition a token
Tokenizer |
An interface for objects that take String and produce TokenList s.
TokenList |
A Linked List of tokens with additional markup to indicate position increments and ordering of
TokenListAssert |
Assertions for inspecting/testing TokenLists.
TokenListParser |
TokenListSerializer |
Interface for custom token list serialization.
TokenSink |
Abstract class for objects that can have tokens added to them.
TokenUtils |
Utility methods for working with TokenList objects.
TokenUtils.PositionBuffer |
Expert Use Only: Utility class for buffering and processing tokens indexed at the same
TokenUtils.TokenBuffer |
TotalScopeFrequency |
FieldExpression that returns the total number of occurrences for a specified scope across all
documents for a specified field.
TotalTermFrequency |
FieldExpression that returns the total number terms indexed for a specified field.
TransactionLog |
TransactionReceiver |
Basic interface to handle reading individual entries from a transaction log
TransactionStorage |
TransactionStorage.Checkpoint |
TransactionStorage.FrameOutputStream |
TransactionStorage.TransactionOutput |
TransformerUtils |
A series of utility functions to make common transformer code patterns easier to develop.
TransientTransportErrorPredicate |
Transport<S,R> |
Encapsulates a method for moving com.attivio.transport.Message s from one component to
TransportDefinition |
TransportDefinitionStore |
TransportError |
ErrorCodes indicating there was a problem moving messages between components.
TransportException |
Exception to indicate an error occurred while moving messages between components.
TransportExceptionConverter |
TreeCache |
TreeCache.Builder |
TreeCache.TreeCacheEvent |
TreeCache.TreeCacheListener |
TriggerApi |
API for defining and modifying triggers.
TriggerDefinition |
Defines a trigger, which is used for matching documents during ingestion processing.
TriggerDictionaryInfo |
TriggerDictionaryName |
Representes the name of a trigger dictionary.
TriggerError |
Trim |
Trim field expression.
Trim.Mode |
UnaryFieldExpression |
UnaryMathExpression |
Mathematical expression for transforming a single argument.
UnaryMathExpression.Method |
Unary Function type.
Union |
Union field values for multiple sub expressions.
UpperCase |
Upper Case String Normalization.
UseDefaultConverter |
Interface that denotes that it is ok for an object to be converted using the default reflection
based XStream conversion.
UserDefinedField |
FieldExpression for generically modeling a user defined field implementation.
UserDefinedFieldContext |
Provides per-query context information for the evaluation of user defined fields.
UserDefinedFieldDef |
Definition for a User Defined Field.
UserDefinedFieldEvaluator |
Interface for a user defined field implementation.
ValueCounter<K> |
Simple class to map a key to a count.
VariableListener |
Version |
Contains the current Attivio version information.
VersionedMasterElection |
VisitorHistoryError |
Error codes for managing history.
WaitableBoolean |
A class useful for offloading synch for boolean instance variables.
WebServiceError |
Error codes for web services
WildcardMatch |
Wildcard match field expression.
WildcardTerm |
Phrase that matches all terms that match a wildcard expression.
WildcardTermConverter |
WorkflowQueue |
WorkflowQueues model the message flow for their associated message.
WorkflowQueueConverter |
XmlMapAdapter |
XmlMapAdapter is a JAXB extension to handle XML serialization of the Map .
XmlMapAdapter.NameValuePair |
XmlMapAdapter.NameValuePairList |
XMLSerializer |
Serializes/deserializes objects to/from XML.
XMLUtils |
Contains various utility function to parse and output XML.
XMLUtils.NonValidatingEntityResolver |
Acts as a no-op entity resolver
XMLUtils.SinglyConfiguredSAXReader |
A SAXReader that only configures itself once.
XStreamSerializer |
Serializes/deserializes XML using XStream.
XStreamSerializer.AttivioDefaultConverter |
Converter that will throw an exception if anyone tries to convert an Attivio model object.
XStreamSerializer.NonCachingStringConverter |
The non-caching string converter.
ZookeeperCuratorFrameworkBuilder |
ZooRule |
Taken from apache curator BaseClassForTests.