AggregateExpression |
Expressions for transforming a set of values produced by an underlayinng FieldExpression .
AggregateExpression.Method |
Aggregation method available.
BinaryFieldExpression |
BinaryMathExpression |
Mathematical expression for applying a function to two arguments.
BinaryMathExpression.Method |
Binary Function type.
BooleanExpression |
Boolean Logic Expression.
BooleanExpression.Operator |
Boolean Operator.
Cast |
ClauseContext |
Selects a clause that fields should be extracted for.
Coalesce |
Coalesce multiple sub FieldExpressions.
Collate |
Collation field expression.
Collate.Decomposition |
Collate.Strength |
Compare |
Comparison expression.
Compare.Operator |
Comparison Operator.
Concat |
Concat the string representation of multiple FieldExpressions together.
Condition |
Conditional Expression.
Constant |
Constant value FieldExpression.
DateAdd |
Field expression to add a value to a calendar field for a date.
DateDiff |
Field expression to compute the number of CalendarField boundaries that exist between 2
date values.
DateExtract |
Field expression to extract a calendar field for a date.
DateFormat |
FieldExpression for formatting a date value.
DocBoost |
Boost Documents Specified By Document Id.
FieldExpression |
Base class for field expressions.
FieldExpression.StringMode |
FieldExpressionHandler |
FieldLength |
FieldExpression for returning an approximate number of tokenized terms for a field for each
FieldRequest |
A request for a field.
Freshness |
Field Expression to calculate a Freshness score.
FreshnessRange |
FuzzyMatch |
Fuzzy match field expression.
GeoBoost |
Computes a boost score based on the geographical distance from a center point.
GeoDistance |
Computes the geographical distance from a center point.
Locate |
LowerCase |
Lower Case String Normalization.
MatchingFields |
FieldExpression to provide the list of fields that matched during query execution.
MatchingTerms |
FieldExpression to provide the list of terms that match the query for a field.
MultiaryFieldExpression |
MultiaryFieldExpression.Method |
MultiValueJoin |
FieldExpression that joins all values of a multi value field on a delimiter.
MultiValueMode |
Mode for handling multi-value arguments that don't have the same number of values.
PhraseMatch |
FieldExpression that returns a boolean result indicating if a phrase matches a
PhraseScore |
FieldExpression that computes the score for a phrase match for each document.
QueryParameter |
FieldExpression for returning a query parameter from a QueryRequest .
RegexMatch |
Regex match field expression.
ScopeField |
FieldExpression for returning scopes from a stored field.
ScopeFrequency |
FieldExpression that returns the number of occurrences for a specified scope in the specified
field for a document.
ScopeTeaser |
Teaser field expression for convenient use of scope field highlighting.
ScopeVector |
Produces a multi-value field extracting the specified scope from the requested field.
ScoreExplain |
FieldExpression to provide the explanation of a document's score.
StandardScore |
Standard Score FieldExpression.
StoredField |
FieldExpression for returning the values for a stored field.
StringLength |
Computes the length of a string.
SubString |
Substring field expression.
Switch |
A select case field expression.
Switch.Case |
Teaser |
Computes a dynamic teaser.
TermVector |
FieldExpression for returning the tokens for a specified field.
TitleCase |
Title Case String Normalization.
TotalScopeFrequency |
FieldExpression that returns the total number of occurrences for a specified scope across all
documents for a specified field.
TotalTermFrequency |
FieldExpression that returns the total number terms indexed for a specified field.
Trim |
Trim field expression.
Trim.Mode |
UnaryFieldExpression |
UnaryMathExpression |
Mathematical expression for transforming a single argument.
UnaryMathExpression.Method |
Unary Function type.
Union |
Union field values for multiple sub expressions.
UpperCase |
Upper Case String Normalization.
UserDefinedField |
FieldExpression for generically modeling a user defined field implementation.
WildcardMatch |
Wildcard match field expression.